
Friday, January 23, 2015


I encountered some interesting challenges today.

I became embroiled in an email exchange about an administrative matter which I think has greater ramifications. It took a lot of work to remain somewhat diplomatic. Only time will tell if I was successful.

Then I had to create a two hour playlist for my Sunday Zone 2 cycling classes. Last week I asked the participants to anonymously list their favourite song and their guilty pleasure song. Today I had to track all of the music down on iTunes and eMusic. It required some detective skills. People don't actually know the titles of many songs and even fewer know the artists. Then I had to organize the very diverse list so that it made sense from a training, emotional flow and musical standpoint. Unfortunately the selections only added up to 105 minutes so I had to add my own choices using the same criteria and a good cool-down selection. Last week they played 'name that tune'. This week we will have the added complexity of naming the 'chooser'.

Then it was on to some work in the studio. I had to make the equivalent of doll's clothes. I don't think I ever had a doll with a wardrobe. I have certainly never constructed tiny outfits before. It was easier than I thad anticipated but still challenging. I have to keep in mind the wear and tear on the art quilt if it is selected by the juror. So far I have made a little dress, figured out how to affix it to the figure with some natural "ease" and determined that it is possible to sew the whole thing down to the background. Next step is to figure out how to create a non-hokey double helix.

Then I worked on the homework for the Jane Dunnewold course. The assignment was to break the rules - not difficult at all for me.II knew what I wanted to do but struggled cutting paper. It's done, though.

Time = 1 hr, 11 min

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